Welcome to Starlight Quilters Guild

The next meeting is October 22nd.

Merriam Community Center, 6040 Slater St, Merriam KS 66202.

Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of the month
6:30 PM Social Time
7:00 PM Program and Meeting
Please see the newsletter for more information.

Click here for Santa Stocking Pattern

For the next meeting:

Please wear your nametag and a smile.

Bring your items for the Share Table.

Bring your “Show and Tell” projects.

Bucket Babes will be there with a raffle drawing.

We will have door prizes.

We can’t wait to see you!

Note: If Shawnee Mission Schools are closed due to snow, we will cancel our in-person meeting. If possible we will try to schedule the speaker for another time.